Daily Post photo prompt ‘Textures’ and ‘Art-Drop-Day’

Litho, Mono printing, nature, Printing, Printing, life, Screen printing, Textures, Uncategorized

There are two links to share with you today: one is http://mrjakeparker.com/art-drop-day
I think this is a fabulous idea having taken part in the Be Creative ATC mystery card drop. Although I never knew what happened to my card, some others from the group had their ones found and recorded on Myfanwy’s special page. Some left ATC (artist trading cards) in very public places including inside craft books at a book store. I’d like to take part in the art-drop-day by leaving one of my limited edition prints somewhere to be found. As bloggers who have been reading this new blog know, I am passionate about printing and enjoy working with lino and textures and drawing into the ink on my gelli-plate :-). I hope you’re enjoying what you see so far on this blog; I will be exploring on here the other types of printing plates including woodblock printing, rubber stamping, intaglio, polyprinting and presenting you with some simple stencil outlines so you can have a go yourself! 🙂

This brings me on to the Daily Post prompt for this week, Textures:


My OH has promised he will make me an A3 screen printing frame for my workshop. In the meantime, here is my contribution for this prompt illustrated in a series of photographs of preliminary works of pencil sharpening, a litho print I did a while ago of an apple and the layering involved on my A2 screen print to illustrate decomposition:

There is a raised surface left by the crayon and I love how the curves left from the sharpenings contrast with the smooth lines of the sharpener.



20140809-082329-30209727.jpg I then did a study of the process of peeling an apple and produced a litho print from it in preparation for a final screen print using colours. Obviously the more colours and layers of ink you put on, the textures increase as you can feel the overlaps of ink 🙂


20140809-082521-30321600.jpg The lightest colour is applied first on a screen print. I am just going to show you the first and final result.
